Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to Find a Job in a Down Economy

by Dick Avazian, President,  National Field Service Corporation

1)        Resume

Submit a different resume for every job.  Be certain to mention the needed skills up front.  If the skills are old, use a functional rather than a chronological resume and leave the dates out.

Have two resumes:  a one page condensed resume and a complete resume.

When answering ads online or in the paper, write a letter mentioning you have the requisite skills.  Do not send a resume unless they call and ask for one.  If you send a resume up front, they feel they have already interviewed you.

2)        Business Card

Your business card should be on white linen, not vellum, and should have raised lettering.  Include your cell and home telephone numbers and your email address.

3)        Cold Calling

You must employ cold calling in a down economy (you have a better chance of getting in to see someone in a smaller company as the larger companies usually insist that you apply online).

Make a list of all the possible companies in your area then research them online, through their website or in the library with research reports from such services as Standard & Poor’s. 

Before going on your cold calling trips, be certain to read up on the company in the event you are able to get past the receptionist.

Mark the location of each company on a local map so that you can efficiently cover more companies on each outing.

When you appear at the front reception desk, ask to see someone in the Human Resources or Personnel departments.  If no one is available, leave a business card and ask the receptionist who you should call.

Call and see if you can drop in.  If you must apply online, at least you will have a name you can contact.

If you see a large number of companies (minimum 25-30) and follow up periodically calling them, you have a better chance of getting a job.

4)        Interviewing

Do the research about the company.  Most people assure the interviewer they would love to work for the company, but don’t know anything about it.

Dress appropriately for the interview.  A conservative jacket & slacks/skirt or business suit is best.

Do not wear facial jewelry.

During the interview, spend more time explaining how you can contribute rather than what the salary and benefits are. 

If they ask you what salary you expect, answer that you are flexible, are looking for an opportunity to contribute to the company and are confident that the compensation will be appropriate.

Be prepared to answer these questions:  what is your best trait and what is your worst trait.

A good answer for your best trait is to say, “My character.  I’m honest, loyal, flexible and I take responsibility to complete tasks assigned to me.”

For your worst trait, I have no suggestions.

Be certain to get the business cards of the interviewers and write them letters thanking them for their time and expressing again your interest in contributing to the company.

If you don’t hear from them within two weeks, call the interviewers on the telephone.

5)        Networking

Networking is also crucial on second and following jobs.  Almost 80% of such jobs come from networking.

Ask all your friends if they can think of a position you might apply for.  Ask if they know anyone in the company and if you can use their name as a reference.

Always carry your business cards to social events.  You never know when you will meet someone who can help you.

Networking is more important than ever as many companies will insist you apply online. 

If you must apply online and couldn’t get through to HR, try dropping in on a branch office and seeing a manager.  Mention that you have applied online.  It’s possible that the manager can put in a good word for you.

Be prepared to face rejection, this is a numbers game.

Have faith that persistence over a period of time is a winning tactic.
Note from Lisa Saunders, a former recruiter for National Field Service Corporation, who currently serves as their consulting field director in New England:  
Post your a VERY detailed version of your resume on database sites. For online resumes, it's important, for example, to say PowerPoint, Excel, etc., instead of just Microsoft Office as some recruiters only do a search using the required skill buzz words given them by employers. Slightly edit your resume every week on these resume database sites so it appears on top when recruiters do searches.
In addition, there are probably several free job hunting workshops in your area. Attend them. You will learn new skills and may meet someone who can help you.
Volunteering/interning for organizations is very helpful in regard to networking and learning new skills. If you show up on time, are eager to learn, and demonstrate your dedication, you will be the first one they think of to either hire or recommend to associates when job openings occur.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Activated Job Search Links

Click into live links for National and Local (New London County, CT) Job Openings:

Consulting/Working from Home jobs:

New London County, CT:


Electric Boat/General Dynamics:


Jobs in film:
To register with a talent agency, consider New England Actors.

Groton School District:

Town of Groton:

Mystic Aquarium:

Mystic Seaport:

Three Rivers Community College:

University of CT:

Mitchell College:

Connecticut College:

Eastern State Connecticut University

CT Dept. of Labor:

Rhode Island:

University of Rhode Island:

Rhode Island Community College:

Tailor to your location:


OTHER:Read this article on the importance of social networkings sites such at: Click here: How Social Recruiting Is Revolutionizing the Job Hunt: A Q&A with the CEO of JobFox - DailyFinance

Caution: some interviewers like to ask "behavioral" questions. See the complete list at:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How To Get a Job: Five Steps

by Lisa Saunders

1. Just layed off? Thank your employer for the opportunity to work for them and ask if you can stay in touch--they may let you know when they hear of openings.

2. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job. They may know people hiring. Don't be ashamed to be unemployed--especially not in today's economy.

3. Prepare your resume: Don’t include an objective—they can be deadly. Instead, post an experience (or skill) summary at the top of your resume, making sure to tailor it when applying for a specific job. Buzz words to include in your online resume: any and all that are listed in job openings. Resumes can be more than one page—especially when posting a general one on the Internet and for applicants with technical skills. Avoid fancy formatting and don’t overstate your skills—employers may think you are overqualified and not committed to remaining in the position if you get it. Give specific examples of how you helped a business.

4. Post your resume (and look for jobs) on these free resume posting sites ("live" links at the end of article):
College Career Service Centers
Your company website (if have a business)
Your personal website or blog
Industry-related resume database sites

5. Drop in on companies with your resume on good paper. You may show up just as they were thinking of posting a job opening.

Bring employer’s phone number (in case held up in traffic) and extra copies of your resume on good paper. Research the company beforehand and have questions/comments such as, “When do you expect this product to be launched,” or “I think it’s great that your company is…” Come prepared with a list of your strengths and examples of how they specifically helped your former employer. If asked about a weakness, have one, but mention your strategy to overcome it. If the interviewer wants to talk about himself, let him, he’ll like you for it. NEVER say anything negative about a former employer. If asked about compensation, have a figure in mind but state that it is not as important as getting a position where you can contribute since you are confident the company will be fair over the long haul.

While you wait for a job
• Attend functions given by business organizations like the Chamber of Commerce because employers go there to network. Also, go to funerals, parties, art openings, Motor Vehicles—anywhere there are people! When you meet people, focus on being interested in them instead of trying to get them to be interested in you. Ask them what they do, etc. Ask them for their business card, then offer yours—a simple, high-quality one with just your name and contact information. Tell them you are looking for work and ask if they have any advice (that sounds better than asking them to help you get a job). Prepare a one-minute statement about yourself –how your experience and “can do” attitude can help an employer. For example,  I might say, “As a publicist, I help people or their businesses become known as experts in their field and contributors to their community."

• Volunteer, intern, apprentice, job shadow—even if you are not a student (see for opportunities in your area). You need to be seen by potential employers, meeting new people to recommend you, and learning new skills or industries.

• Learn new skills at your library, online, community college, etc. You MUST keep your skills current

• Becoming a speaker or a writer can lead to a job offer or secure clients
• Start your own business (visit your Town Hall to get the required information needed to begin) or become an independent consultant--at least temporarily (even when the economy improves, the Department of Labor states that many jobs are unlikely to return).

I have written articles and free e-books on the topics above. Contact me if you can't find this information on my blog.

Lisa Saunders, a former job recruiter and winner of the National Council for Marketing & Public Relations Gold Medallion Award, helps individuals or organizations promote themselves or their work through Internet marketing, public speaking, networking, and creating news that leads to free publicity. Visit or write to

Activated Job Opening links:

Only if interested in these particular institutions:

Read this article on the importance of social networkings sites such at: Click here: How Social Recruiting Is Revolutionizing the Job Hunt: A Q&A with the CEO of JobFox - DailyFinance

Caution: some interviewers like to ask "behavioral" questions. See the complete list at:

Normal questions:

3. Rehearse Beforehand

Every once in a while an interviewer will ask an unexpected question, but for the most part, many interviews play out the same way.
Prepare intelligent answers to common questions the interviewer is likely to ask, such as "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"; "Why do you want to work here?"; "Why should we hire you?"; and "Tell me about yourself." Conduct a mock interview with a trusted friend as practice.